Saturday, July 27, 2013


IMG_1995 by Willow Cove Haunt
IMG_1995, a photo by Willow Cove Haunt on Flickr.

Old time Pottery has Halloween stuff out. Always cool pumpkin luminaries and statutes. And cheap tikis...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Newest books

Got some new additions at the secondhand bookstore the other day. Another Arthur Rackham book. I love his style. I have the Rip Van Winkle one that I bought last year.
And I picked up two Eric Sloane books also. I was not aware of his work, but immediately got hooked as I looked thru the books. I'm fascinated with the early American era and "Diary of an Early American Boy" and "American Yesterday" are packed full of great illustrations. Some great ideas that I could incorporate into a haunt to get that authentic feel such as street lights and Fence designs.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Scarecrow Build

So, after being inspired by Pumpkinrot with his latest props, I built a scarecrow today with some old branches I had saved. I tried to make it as simple as possible. Sometimes I don't know when step away from a build, but I am pretty happy how it turned out. A candle fit in the gourd's mouth for nighttime. After the photo shoot by a pond I messed around with different heads and liked how the Target skull looked. This will probably be the main prop in the graveyard this year. Unless I make something cooler...We'll see.