Tuesday, May 28, 2013


A neighbor found this on his front door last night. By the time a neighbor got me, there was a mob of people down the street and a couple of dads with machetes planning on dismembering it. I hooked it up and released it far far away from the angry villagers. If one of your options is to not kill, that's the best option, in my opinion.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cute & Fuzzy

Found this Pygmy Rattle Snake in the yard today. Scooped him up and set him loose in the woods away from neighborhood.
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In a bucket

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tiny Harvest

Feeling crafty lately and ordered some stuff from Scenic Express

Gourd Nest

Finally looked up at a jack o gourd I made a while back. A small wren made a nest in it.